The basic elements of a study
The schematic
Most designers use schematic entry software which allows a NETLIST to be generated which we import into our development system. This contains a list of the components, their footprint and a list of connections.
The study can also be based on a hand-drawn diagram. In this case, we can capture the diagram or, where appropriate, simply encode the list of connections.
The mechanical drawing
If the card has specific dimensions or cuttings, a detailed mechanical drawing is required. This specifies the fastening points, the "forbidden" zones in which tracks cannot be implanted, etc...
Component specifications
We have a very extensive library of components. However, it is helpful if you include with the dossier the electrical and dimensional elements of specific or rare components.
A list of recommendations
To this list, the designer adds specific points which must be respected during the study: assembly technology, currents in the portions of circuits, isolation voltage among wire assemblies, special shielding, etc.
The bid
A detailed and binding bid is sent to you as promptly as possible. Where necessary and for very complex dossiers, a preliminary surfacing study is carried out to confirm the feasibility of the dossier.